Identify core functional needs while wrangling feature creep. Explore and establish concept direction strategy via target user/environment observation, and get to real world development as fast as possible.
Traditional development processes burden this phase with multiple rounds of endless sketches and rendering exercises done by junior staff. Most of these design are changed/discarded in feasibility and design validation phases, rendering these discoveries as mostly noncritical thought exercises. We strive to extract just the core discoveries and move onto proof of concept phases immmediately.
Based on initial “common sense” discoveries in the previous phase, it’s prudent to get into 3D CAD models as soon as possible.
Time is better spent in the early stages with first real world steps than beautifiying imaginary concepts. These models will serve as the base to fuel actual feasible concepts and to get a step closer to physical models.
Rapid prototyping is utilized to get concepts in hand to quickly down select towards final design.
Prototypes and mock ups are made to evaluate and eliminate concepts quickly based on actual ergonomics, functionality, intuitiveness, and manufacturability. The magic of discovery in this phase far outweighs the imaginary thought exercises in the initial phase.
These first three phases are where the most slow walking and invoice padding happens, which are actually the phases that should be the leanest.
The most viable concepts have been evaluated, eliminated, and validated. The best case concept is refined for more stringent testing.
This phase is actually the best time to tighten up the industrial design, CMF, aesthetics, and the bells n’ whistles.
Alll parts are formally designed and engineered for manufacturing, BOM is finalized, vendors vetted, hardware procured. Formal CAD database is created with DFM parts.
Value engineering is also conducted for the most cost effective methods and sources while interfacing with qualified vendors.
Final parts and drawings are passed off to the qualified vendors, first articles are received and tested, CFM validated and adjusted as necessary.
We stay engaged with the vendors to ensure quality control throughout the production process until delivery.
Product Development 2.0
Initial industrial design phase should not exceed 2 weeks. Concepts should go into 3D CAD models as soon as possible. Design phases can usually run off course with multiple design reviews of sketches and rendering exercises. Great for the firm, not so much for the client. The actual design magic happens well within the development phase with functional prototyping in hand. Most of the early design concepts are either redeveloped or destroyed in the real feasability phases. This redundancy in the 50+ year old design process (while lucrative for the firm) is outdated, which our RAPID design process circumvents. This allows us to go on a straight line, instead of a meandering to the final design.
Innovation + Experience + Scale
Lean Process
Lean Billing
Vendor Relationships